Everyone is inspired by someone or something, no matter who you are or what you do, inspiration is what elevates you to the next level, motivation is the brother of inspiration, once inspired, it sets the motivation for you to make the nessessery progress.
Make a plan, set your target, take aim, and go at it, planning is one of the most important things in your life, it should incorporate your needs, desires, and ideas, it should be blended and kneaded with social, financial, career and emotional relationships and of course your dreams.
Would you start a journey not knowing where you are going?
I know many who have.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
It’s sad but very true, haters and negitive people will always place obstacles in your path, ex work colleagues, ex staff, and so-called friends, in some cases, this may evern come from the direction of your own family.
The important thing is to stay focused.
...And the compitition.
Give them NOTHING
But take from them EVERYTHING
I once thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.